Thank you so much!

Please Note: Donations via PayPal are payable to SOULutions. A percentage of all transactions goes to PayPal.
If you prefer, you may contact us for a mailing address where you can send a check or money order.
EveryONE makes a difference... YOU can be the ONE!
Plant a seed and it will grow...

Every visitor is welcome to explore C.S.ONE (absolutely free) and enjoy all of our experiential activities, use the CyberChat System (accessible from the interface below the Station), and attend our virtual events. Your support is greatly appreciated. Donations are used for the maintenance, management, expansion and development of all our offerings, including LightWeaversVibe-a-mins, and the CWBN (CyberWaves Broadcasting Network. Those who make a donation of $111 or higher are gifted an annual C.S.ONE Passport (three Station Tokens)!
There are other ways you can support C.S.ONE, including: hosting a Group Talk or CyberCOM Social; attending our virtual events; donating your time as part of our Volunteer Crew (visit the Employment Office on Deck 1 - Level 1 for details); spreading the word through social media!
To become a C.S.ONE-CyberCOM benefactor and have a Deck, Center, or other location on board dedicated in honor or memory of somebody special, please contact us.